for me

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Ok.. I don't have so much time to blog this few days... I shall keep it short and sweet.
AH!! since it's almost 2005.. I shall speak of my new year resolution and reflections and of course regrets..

1. Just simply regret changing classes.. Changes.. for two yrs , 2h has gone thru many stuff together, made good frends.., met some bastards.. but after all.. it's still 2h. the muggers, the losers, the shen kia and etc. But toking about changes.. I just dont really like it, change a person for the better? or worse? or both? I guess changes really can show one's true self. It's that transition period that makes one the most vunerable and from there.. one can see whether he or she is of substances..

2. i dont noe what's gotten to me. For the last hols, I realised I went jogging almost everyday.. eating lesser and ... for some reasons I shallnt share. But due to that reason, I am so motivated even through I am that lazy bum trying to wake up late everyday.. haiz.. but jogging is sure good. now can run faster, longer. and I feel so much better, now gotta solve the problem of waking up at 5 everyday when school start.. And.. I apparently become quite like bert?? Er.. I er.. to some extend revamp my "wardrobe".. bought stuffs I had previously stayed clearly away from, like jeans? Long t-shirts? and I just bought zen micro with levi jeans with a new sport shoes that costs $211?

To make myself less guilty.. hey.. i do this only once a year?? =) so It's justified.

3. Ok.. I guess I so call did much more this yr in RI?? er.. ok counting. - SIG president - OBS media comm chairman - Junior Comm - Av rep. - Photoclub and misc la.. Not bad.. hahah considering I did nothing during my sec 1 days.. To be a little lame, It's nice to be ur favorite teacher ' pet', i dont mean those real bad one.. I mean those teachers who have a good impression of u, always smiling at u, everything call u one. haha.. BUT IT'S DEFINITELY NOT GOOD to have A BALDING YR HEAD treating you as his pet.. EW!!!!!! similar to this, It's good to be close frends with ur seniors, lots of benefit, firstly... u so call get to hear things u dont hear with ur batch mates, u mature faster? and it's fun.. haha....

So.. next yr, i shall be photoclub president or vice la.. which is almost confirm.. and interact club comm..

4. ok.. Basically learned how it's not easy to be a leader? learn for like 1 yr and still learning.. bascially.. u need to respect ur team mates la.. and learn to appreciate them, but one thing. some people just piss u off.. I may be one of them la.. so cant judge. BTW next time there shud a post just to call people, it's so damn sickening to call 10 people already..

5. I need to learn to be tactful and correct my blurness.. i wanna be able to understnad ppl better? DOesnt friendship, leadership, relationship all require good communication and tactfulness? Without tactfulness, i guess communication cannot be carried out.. miscommunication will then take over, which equals to disasters.. As i have seen and experienced many of all those disasters, I must prevent myself from getting into any of them...

6. Bring joy to the people around me.. Yeow hua says that the people around me are generally tense? why? cuz i am always relax and can laugh away at anything? I hope i will be able to brg happiness to everyone around me .. at least make a positive difference in them....

7. and.. Last thing. I wanna learn how to forgive and not forget... YES NOT FORGIVE AND FORGET.. believe me.. certain things there's no such thing as forgive and forget.. u forgive that person but apparently u cannot forget the incident.. It's normal.. what's important is that u forgive him or her.. And i need to learn to forgive.. forgiving is the key to recovery ..

I guess that's about all? ok.. praying for a much better yr ahead... and may god protect those tsunami victims......

Saturday, December 25, 2004

hey everyone..Kennedy here.. Finally. A BLOG!!! after like er.. 2 yrs? haha.. so give me some time to refurnish this place into my dream blog.. cya..